The one-day wellness package is designed for those who wish to relieve stress and have their energy restored.
The therapy selected by highly qualified wellness experts effectively neutralizes the effects of chronic stress. After the procedures, the emotional state of a patient improves within a few hours, and fatigue disappears without a trace. The therapy boosts well-being, increases energy levels and vitality.
The package includes:
- Express consultation — 10 minutes
- Bioli's signature phyto-mineral cocktail "Anti-stress"
- Breathing exercises — 15 minutes
- Neurosedative massage — 40 minutes
- Phytobath with medicinal plants and head massage — 30 minutes
- Foot Maxiflex — 30 minutes
- Bioidentical signaling therapy (NanoVi Technology) — 20 minutes
Duration: 2 hours 45 minutes
10% discount for the first visit.